Solera FAQ
What is Solera and what is its mission?

Solera is the first frictionless cross-blockchain solution, allowing instant liquidity on different chains using its novel stablecoin, nUSD. Our mission is to unify the crypto world by creating a transaction system that transcends the single blockchain barrier. In real life, we minimize complexity and reduce transaction costs in DeFi operations, making them more efficient and less volatile for users. We achieve this by enabling seamless management of assets across different blockchain networks, ensuring users can easily move and use their assets wherever they find the best opportunities.

How does Solera's technology work?

Solera leverages EigenLayer’s AVS technology to create a secure and decentralized network. Our system allows users to lock assets in 'cellars' and borrow nUSD, our stablecoin, against these locked assets. This cross-chain capability enables users to manage their positions seamlessly across different blockchains, reducing transaction costs and mitigating volatility risks.

What are the benefits of using Solera?

Solera offers multiple benefits, including:
- Reduced Steps and Fees: Our streamlined process reduces the number of steps and associated fees for users.
- Simplified Protocol Interaction: Users interact with fewer protocols, simplifying their DeFi journey.
- Volatility Mitigation: Our system significantly reduces the volatility risks associated with cross-chain asset management, providing users with greater peace of mind.

Can you explain the role of Solera’s AVS technology?

The AVS technology allows Solera to monitor several blockchains simultaneously, unlike traditional smart contracts that can only interact with one blockchain at a time. Additionally, AVS, or similar services, can be operated not only on EigenLayer but also on any other restaking platform that may emerge, providing flexibility and scalability for Solera's cross-chain operations.

How does Solera ensure the security of its platform?

Security is a top priority at Solera. By using EigenLayer's AVS technology, we ensure that all operations are validated and secure. Additionally, our cross-chain system removes the risks associated with bridging assets between blockchains, providing a secure environment for managing your DeFi assets.

What types of assets can be used as collateral in Solera?

Solera will support a wide range of assets as collateral. The tokens that can be used must satisfy criteria such as having reliable oracles for their price, sufficient liquidity, and low historical volatility. Our platform is designed to be flexible, and new tokens can be added to the list of approved collateral through a governance vote by the Solera DAO.

How does Solera handle liquidation?

Solera will employ a stability pool for liquidations of undercollateralized positions. This pool will be composed of nUSD tokens deposited by users. If a position's collateralization ratio drops below the minimum required, the stability pool will be used to liquidate the position, ensuring the stability of the system​​.

What future developments can we expect from Solera?

We are continuously working on enhancing our platform. Future developments include expanding our supported asset types and blockchain networks, integrating more advanced DeFi protocols, and continually optimizing our AVS technology to maintain Solera’s leading position in the DeFi space.

How does Solera’s cross-chain system work?

Solera allows users to lock collateral on multiple chains and borrow stable assets on other supported chains all at once. This cross-chain capability simplifies the process of moving stablecoins across networks and expands associated DeFi trading opportunities.

What is nUSD and how is it used?

nUSD is Solera’s stablecoin, pegged to the US dollar. Users can mint nUSD by locking collateral in Solera cellars. nUSD can be used for trading, staking, and other DeFi activities across supported blockchain networks.

How can I participate in Solera’s governance?

Solera’s governance is managed by the Solera DAO. Users can participate by staking Solera’s governance token and voting on key decisions, such as adding new collateral types, setting fees, and making major protocol upgrades.

What fees are associated with using Solera?

Solera charges a one-time borrowing fee for stablecoins and may also implement time-based fees for holding loans Solera also charges a loan returning fee, and a liquidation fee . These fees are added to the cellar debt and help maintain the protocol’s stability and security.

How can I get started with Solera?

For now, you can subscribe to the waiting list. In the future, upon launch, you’ll be able to create an account, lock your assets in a Solera cellar, and start borrowing nUSD. Detailed guides and support will be available to help you through the process.